Welcome to Busivold Arcade. It is an Open MarketPlace where you can place a Store (StoreLink) of any business with packaged goods. As a shopper you can also have broad choices, you can choose products from more than 100 stores like the way you do in real world.
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An open marketplace to Explore and Place Stores.

Busivold Retail Solutions Pvt Ltd
Busivold Arcade|StoreLink App|StoreLink BOS|Billing Software

A Retail Technology and Automation Company.

About us

As a company, we specialize in providing innovative solutions to Physical Businesses and Entrepreneur people, streamlining their operations and empowering them to run more efficiently. Our current and future products and services are designed to alleviate the burden of time-consuming tasks, allowing business owners to focus on strategic decision-making rather than day-to-day operations. Through continuous research, we identify the challenges faced by startups and established businesses alike, spanning various industries. Leveraging the latest in electronics and software technologies, we develop tailored solutions to address these challenges head-on. Our commitment to user-friendly design ensures that our products and services are accessible to individuals with varying levels of technological expertise. We strive to demystify complex technologies, making automation accessible to all. At the core of our mission is the belief that automation can complement human capabilities, serving as an invaluable resource to businesses of all sizes. Derived from the fusion of "business" and "world," our name, Busivold, reflects our dedication to supporting businesses as they navigate the ever-evolving landscape of industry 4.0. We recognize the pivotal role that businesses play in driving economic growth and improving quality of life for consumers. By empowering businesses to thrive, we contribute to a brighter future for both businesses and society as a whole.

We firmly believe that businesses are the backbone of any nation, driving economic prosperity and offering opportunities for a better future. By empowering businesses to thrive in the new era of Industry 4.0, we contribute to the advancement of society and the enhancement of consumer experiences, ultimately fostering a brighter tomorrow for individuals and nations alike.

- Busivold Team